Monday, January 18, 2016

What If Trump is Wrong on Immigration?

"It doesn't matter how liberal Donald Trump is as long as he's right on immigration."  Ann Coulter

I have had also Trump supporters say the same thing to me.  So what if Trump is wrong on immigration?  

What is the fastest way to get Trump supporters to go Alinsky?  It's using Trump's own words to prove that he is for amnesty.  
“I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.” Donald Trump

Let's think about this for a minute.  This is an actual conversation that I had with a Trump supporter ~before she went birther and start calling me names~. 


Me:   “So what is will Trump's legal process for US immigration entail?   Details . . . details . . . those pesky details. . .”

Trump Supporter:   “Well, by enforcing the laws already on the books. .Pausing immigratiion from terrorist states the same way that Obama stopped Iraqi immigrants in 2011, Chester A. Arthur did in 1882, Wilson did in 1917, and FDR did with Japanese, Germans, and Italians during World War II. 
“Simple, huh?”

Me:  “Trump says ‘I would get people out and then have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal…. A lot of these people are helping us … and sometimes it’s jobs a citizen of the United States doesn’t want to do. I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.’” 
What is that expedited process? Will they be going to the front of the line? If so, who will they pass over to get to the front of the line? Will they pay a fine? Will they be eligible for citizenship once they get back in? The devil is in the details which Trump is very short on.”

Trump Supporter:   “The ‘expedited way’ would be to put them in a facility similar to Ellis Island (remember that place?). To assign the authorities to THOROUGHLY vet each individual--and separate those who will be allowed admittance--EXACTLY like we did with Ellis Island. Many immigrants at Ellis were rejected, if you will recall, and sent back to their native countries.
“There are NO ‘devils in the details’ here. He has said numerous times that he is going to follow the laws already on the books. 
“Instead of attacking, why don't you just settle down and do some thoughtful research instead?” She then posted these two links.

Me:  “Sorry, but if they've already broken the law to get here, I'm not sure I want them back. And how expensive will it be to deport them first? Why not do the vetting here?
“Please post a link that says Trump wants to follow the laws already on the books. 
And what is Trump going to do with the ‘Dreamers'?
"We’re going to do something. I’ve been giving it so much thought, you know you have a — on a humanitarian basis, you have a lot of deep thought going into this, believe me. I actually have a big heart.…I mean, a lot of people don’t understand that, but the DREAMers, it’s a tough situation, we’re going to do something, and one of the things we’re going to do is expedite — when somebody’s terrific, we want them back here, but they have to be legally…They’re with their parents, it depends. But, look, it sounds cold, and it sounds hard. But, we have a country, our country’s going to hell. We have to have a system where people are legally in our country." Donald Trump
“What exactly do we ‘have’ to do? Trump keeps saying that he has a big heart so everyone will be take care of. I don't need a dogooder in the WH that is going to take care of everyone. I want a proven Constitutional conservative who can defend and teach free markets and stands up for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Trump Supporter:  “You know, you don't want to debate. You just want to be ugly and fight."

Me:  “I am simply responding to you and your statements about Trump and immigration. I know there isn't a perfect candidate, but you haven't brought up the bad in Ted Cruz, just defended Trump when I poked holes in his #1 issue. Trump may have become conservative ~which I welcome~ but I am going to go with the most consistent conservative who doesn't throw temper tantrums and has a proven record of being a conservative. 
“Why is Trump attacking Ted Cruz from the left? He ~and his supporters~ are using leftist tactics. It's funny that you have mentioned supporters; I have been unfriended and blocked by Trump supporters as well as being called a racist by someone whose congressional campaign I worked on.”

The big question about immigration is who and how many do we let come into our country?  Do we want millions of unskilled and uneducated foreigners coming into our country?  It isn't just the terrorists, drug dealers and other criminals coming across the border that most Americans don't want.  We understand the economic impact that these millions of unskilled and uneducated illegals are having on our country; on our healthcare system, on our state and local school budgets, on wages.  

This ad by Ted Cruz nails it.  

How many unskilled and uneducated individuals is Donald Trump going to let in thru the "big beautiful door" that he is going to put in the Trump wall?  

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